• Telemedince Cart

Telemedince Cart


. Improveworking efficiencybetweenHopsital/Clinic DoctorandPatient

. 24Hoursrealtimemonitoringpatient at Hospital or at Home for gathering patients own data, which ultimately has a positive life style and gives them a greater sense of control & well-being

. Not only does it reduce the stress and cost of travel for emergency room visits and hospitalisation fees, but it also provides patients with an added sense of security in their own home

. Remote patient monitoring ensures that senior/severe patients do not have to risk exposure to potentially contagious patients in a doctor’s waiting room

. Reduce Huge National annual Health Expense

. Medical Teaching

. AIFace Recognition (AIFR)

. AI Monitoring Medical Device LCD Display (AIMDLD)

. HIPPA Compliant - Guarantee Secure communication between patient and Doctor




This Telemedicine Cart is equipped with medical devices that can excute the Healthcare Service completely.  Connecting Type-C Docking Station and using TeamViewer for Example can process remote Medical Actions such as AI Face Recognition and diagnosis for Patients. This can reduce Huge National annual Health Expense and Saving time for improving curing Efficiency. 

Telemedince CART for Health Care

Telemedince Cart